Basting a quilt is much easier if you have one or two people to help you out, but there are a lot of times I get to this point, and just can't wait!
So Today I am going to show you a couple of tricks that I have learned when it comes to basting a quilt by my lonesome.
First, start by laying your backing out on the floor. Start in one corner and smooth it all out. Then tape it as I have in the pictures above and below. Be sure to make it flat to help avoid puckers, but avoid stretching your material. |
Next, Lay your batting over your backing. I have been using a cotton batting and find it really nice to work with, but this is of course just a preference.
This particular batting has a right and wrong side. See in the picture below how one side of the line looks slightly dirty. This side has been needle punched to allow the needle to glide through easier when quilting. Therefore, this is the side we will want to put up.
I then roll the batting halfway back, making sure to keep everything flat as I roll.
Taking a section at a time I spray, with a basting adhesive, and roll the batting over the spray, smoothing as I go. Continue to the edge and repeat on the other half of the batting.
Finally repeat the above step with your top. Be sure to smooth it all the way out before you roll and add your adhesive.
That's it! Now you are ready to quilt! Have fun, and try something new!